If you’ve ever had your bike stolen, then you know the frustration of having […]
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How to (and how not to) lock your bike

Ever struggled with getting your surfboard on board your daily commute? As an solution […]
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Surfing the purpose with Yorgo and Steel Cycles

On Sunday May 26th, almost 4000 riders gathered to Tartu Rattaralli, the biggest bicycle […]
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Team Pelago at Tartu Rattaralli

Onko vanha pyöräsi tullut tiensä päähän, tai onko muuten vain aika päivittää sopivampaan? Pelagon […]
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Pelago Pyöränvaihtoviikko / Bike Swap Week 12.–20.6.2019

Fancy riding your bike through some winding gravel roads and breathtaking Finnish landscapes at […]
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Nordic Gravel Series

What could go wrong if you supply nine Finnish frame builders with Pelago Brooklyn […]
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Hack Bikes 2019 – Ride at your own risk

With nice sunny weather predicted for the whole weekend it was time to hop on the bike and visit my parents in Hamina. I took the bus from Helsinki to Loviisa and then rode some nice gravel and paved roads.
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Spring ride – Pelago Stavanger on the road

Following the Pelago design philosophy of durable, functional and beautiful products, we’re introducing a […]
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Pelago Anniversary Stainless Steel Concept

Toukokuun ajan Pelago Store (Kalevankatu 32) on auki myös sunnuntaisin klo 12–16, paitsi äitienpäivänä […]
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Pelago Store auki myös sunnuntaisin

Unforgettable stories, people and a lot of experience are embodied in VIMMA, a finnish […]
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Pelago x VIMMA