Alexander Aksakov / Diffelarities

Diffelarities. Photographer Alexander Aksakov rode his Pelago Stavanger around the USA documenting the everyday life with his camera. After the trip, Aksakov paired these photos with his previously taken pictures from his homeland, Russia.

How these two countries really look like, behind the headlines and politics? How much can you see and experience while riding a bicycle?

We are proudly publishing some of these amazing photographs here on Pelago By The Way and strongly recommend you to check out the Diffelarities website in the end of this article.

Galveston, Texas, USA. 2018. / Zelenodolsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. 2014.
St. Petersburg, Russia. 2011. / New York City, New York, USA. 2017.
Grand Chenier, Louisiana, USA. 2018. / Krasnoyarskiy, Volgograd region, Russia. 2014.
Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA. 2017. / Belomorsk, Republic of Karelia, Russia. 2013.
Pence Springs, West Virginia, USA. 2017. / Island of Sviyazhsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. 2014.
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. 2019. / Vladivostok, Primorsky region, Russia. 2009.

Pelago supported Diffelarities and Alexander did his journey with Pelago Stavanger.

Want to see more from Alexander?
Diffelarities on