Build-A-Pelago frame buider interview – Anders Holmberg

Build-A-Pelago-frame builder Anders Holmberg has experience more than two decades when it comes to bicycle frame building.

As we are heading towards the Finnish Midsummer, which marks the end of the Build-A-Pelago-competition, we still have few bicycle frame builders to be introduced. Next in line is Anders Holmberg who someone might refer as the harbinger of Finnish bicycle frame building.

Building bicycle frames by himself for more than two decades, Anders has the experience only few has. The man himself describes his style as “everything but mainstream” – an attitude that is very easy to love. Read Anders’ Build-A-Pelago interview below and get to know this amazing frame wizard!

When did you start building frames and why?

I built my first bicycle frame in 1999. I had been riding brand bicycles for years and tought that I might as well build my own frame. I worked as a arts and crafts teacher having access to all the equipment needed, so one thing lead to another.

What excites you right now?

I made a small sidestep building a few aluminium frames but now I’m back using steel and that feels exciting right now.

Biggest dream as a builder?

I think I’m living my dream. I like to challenge myself and it forces me to make more tools every time I build a frame. The dream would be to have all the tools needed.

Build-A-Pelago-frame builder Anders Holmberg is building a bike that is missing from Pelago Bicycles lineup.
Yes, there are people whose biggest nightmare is not being able to get argon during the weekend. We all have our fears!

Biggest nightmare as a builder?

My biggest nightmare as a frame builder? That would be running out of argon during the weekend and not being able to get more until Monday.

Your proudest moment?

The moment when I felt most proud was when I managed to successfully bend a butted seat tube using a home built bender.

What distinguishes you from other builders?

I like to challenge myself as I said before and most of my projects are everything but mainstream. That’s one of the reasons why I like to use a board jig as it gives me freedom to make controversial designs.

Where will you be in five years?

In five years I hope I have all the tools I need to bend all different types and sizes of tubes.

Build-A-Pelago-frame builder Anders Holmberg is living the dream, building bikes and bending pipes.
Bending the pipes, living the dream. That’s what life is all about.

Follow Anders on Instagram to see more of his work and get inspired!

The Build-A-Pelago-contest ends at Finnish Midsummer on June 26. The bicycle frame builders will stop building that date and the final products will be visible to the public Autumn 2021.