Build-A-Pelago-näyttely Pelagon kaupalla Kalevankadulla 9.-19.9.2021. Lue lisää ja ole tervetullut!
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Build-A-Pelago Exhibition 9.-19.9.2021

Next Build-A-Pelago-participant is Santtu Teerihalme. Read his interview now!
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Build-A-Pelago framebuilder interview – Santtu Teerihalme

Pelago Airisto is a nimble, versatile bike for daily commuting or trekking. Read the introduction of this beauty now at Pelago By The Way! #pelagoairisto
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Pelago Airisto – Nimble bike for commuting and trekking

As a teenager, Sandra rather walked 45 minutes than rode 15 minutes by bike. Now things are upside down and Sandra a Pelago ambassador. Read her interview now!
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Pelago Ambassador / Alexandra Karlsson

Workshop in a barn and living in a 100 years old farmhouse is dream for most of us, but reality to Otto Manninen. Read Otto's Build-A-Pelago interview here!
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Build-A-Pelago frame builder interview – Otto Manninen

Build-A-Pelago- builder Anders Holmberg
"My biggest nightmare would be running out of argon during the weekend and not being able to get more until Monday." Read Anders' Build-A-Pelago interview now!
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Build-A-Pelago frame buider interview – Anders Holmberg

Pelago Ambassador Julia Oláh is a badass who has cycled from North Cape to Sahara and across the Europe - mainly solo. Read Julia's interview now!
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Pelago Ambassador / Julia Oláh

Alexander Aksakov rode his bike around the United States.
Photographer Alexander Aksakov rode his bicycle around the USA documenting the life. After the trip, Aksakov paired these photos with his previously taken pictures from his homeland, Russia.
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Alexander Aksakov / Diffelarities

Pelago Ambassador Venla Haverinen.
Tea, dancing, graphic design and reluctant return migration from Paris. Read Venla Haverinen's Pelago Ambassador interview now!
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Pelago Ambassador – Venla Haverinen

Kiinnostaako työsuhdepolkupyörä?Pelagolta työsuhdepyörät lisävarusteineen edullisesti ja verovapaasti. Lue lisää ja tutustu valikoimaan!
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Työsuhdepolkupyörä Pelagolta